Presentation Synopsis:

Alexander Eckervogt

Space team AACHEN

Alexander is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Astronautics at RWTH Aachen University in Germany and is involved in the student association Space Team Aachen. At Space Team Aachen, he is responsible for the development of an electric propulsion system for their PocketQube project AQUIS (Aachen QUbe In Space).

Next to his engagement at Space team Aachen, he is working part time at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT on the assembly and installation of a space laser designed to measure atmospheric methane concentrations.

Project AQUIS (Aachen's QUbe In Space)”

Project AQUIS (Aachen's QUbe In Space) is a picosatellite project developed by the Space Team Aachen, a student association for Rocketry and Space Science from RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Our mission is to capture breathtaking images of Earth from space using one of the most advanced 1p PocketQubes ever designed. The project comprises several essential systems, each contributing to our ability to achieve this mission. Our self-developed electric propulsion system ARI (Aachen Research Ion-Thruster) plays a crucial role in collision-avoidance maneuvers and compensating for aerodynamic drag, safeguarding our satellite during its mission. ARI is a Vacuum Arc Thruster specifically designed for the PocketQube standard. In addition to our innovative propulsion system, we are also using state of the art manufacturing methods like Laser Powder Bed Fusion to build AQUIS’s structure.