Presentation Synopsis:
Kamil Serafin
SatLab AGH
Co-founder of SatLab AGH. Graduate of Master studies in Automatic Control and Robotics
at the AGH Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical
Engineering (thesis: "Determining the orientation of a satellite on Moon's orbit, based on the
photos of its surface"). Member of the KRAKsat team (the fifth Polish satellite) and
participant of multiple ESA Academy workshops. Member of the Student Council to the
President of the Polish Space Agency. Since 2021, he works professionally as a Software
Engineer in processing satellite payload data.
HYPE AGH - the first PocketQube in Poland - its mission and challenges
H.Grechuta (a), K.Rotter (b), K.Serafin (c)
Up to 2023, Polish universities have released 3 CubeSat satellites, proving that developing student space missions is possible in Poland. Students from the SatLab AGH scientific association and the AGH Space Technology Centercontinue this trend, developing the concept of the smallest satellite in the country - PocketQube 1P, HYPE. The main goal of the operations in orbit will be to take photos with a miniature selfie camera (placed on a foldable arm) directed at one of the walls of the satellite, on which an OLED screen will be mounted. It will display various graphic files previously sent to the satellite operators team by schools, non-governmental organizations, and other entities willing to cooperate in this initiative and to see their materials displayed in space. The photos from the satellite will then be sent to Earth and used for popularization purposes, increasing public awareness of the Polish space sector and its existence in academic environments. In addition, the satellite will also carry out an innovative scientific mission, performing measurements using miniaturized spectrometers for Earth observation in the visible and infrared spectrum while occupying a minimal space inside of the HYPE. The implementation of the project also aims to create technological resources (laboratory, test facilities) and a knowledge base that will allow the continuous development of the next nanosatellites at AGH UST in appropriate conditions, meeting the standards required in the industry. The team faces numerous technical and logistical challenges, which it addresses while gaining unique experience, implementing the entire project, and pushing further the student space sector in Poland. HYPE will enter heliosynchronous orbit in 2024, starting a collaboration between scientific, educational, and media representatives, becoming another proof of student capabilities and ambitions.
(a) AGH UST, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical
Engineering -
(b) AGH UST, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics -
(c) AGH UST, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical
Engineering; Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection -