9:45-10:30 - Sevket Uludag (Tu Delft): “Delfi PQ (Almost 2 years in space)”
10:30-11:00 - Morning Break
11:00-11:20 - Tibor Herman (BME UNI): “MRC-100 mission experiences”
11:20-11:40 - Joe Latrell (QUUB): “Laser Communications in a PocketQube Form Factor. Is it possible?”
11:40-12:00 - Alasdair Allan (Raspberry Pi): “Putting a Raspberry Pi inside and into orbit”
12:00-12:20 - Tom Walkinshaw (Alba Orbital): “Alba orbital missions”
12:30-13:30 - Lunch Break
13:30-13:30 - LESSONS FROM ORBIT PANEL (Hydra Space, Alba orbital, BME, TU Delft, QUUB)"
14:15-14:35 - Pietro Steiner (SmartIR): “Advancements in Active Thermal Solutions for Space application”
14:35-14:55 - Elliot Hastings (Rhea Space Activity): “PicoSats for Cislunar Defence Applications”
15:00-15:30 - Afternoon Break
15:30-15:50 - Alessandro Fanni (C-Shark): “C-Shark’s PocketQube loT Constellation”
15:50-16:10 - Kean-How Cheah (Nottingham Uni): “A PocketQube compatible micropropulsion system based on vibrating mesh technology”
16:10-16:30 - Paul Stansell (Solid State Propulsion): “PocketQubePropulsion”
16:30-16:45 - Day 1 Summary
18:00-20:00 - Drinks recption at The City Chambers
Tuesday 5th December
9:00 - Registration
9:30-9:50 - Alexander Kinnaird (ESA): “ESA Education’s Fly Your Satellite ! programme and PocketQubes”
9:50-10:10 - Filip Buscu (ROMSpace): “Mission Review: Romania’s first PocketQubes”
10:10-10:30 - Ariadna Anguita (UPC Space Program): “Devlopment of a scalable 3D-printed PocketQube KIT”
10:30-11:00 - Morning Break
11:00-11:20 - Konstantinos Kanavarous & Niki Sajjad (University of Luxembourg): “Preliminary design of the PocketQube for In-Orbit Technology Operations”
11:20-11:40 - Konrad Rotter & Hanna Grechuta (SatLab AGH): HYPE AGH - “the first PocketQube in Poland - its mission and challenges”
11:40-12:00 - Alexander Eckervogt (Space Team Aachen): “Project AQUIS (Aachen’s Qube In Space)”
12:00-12:20 - Catalin Chelmus (Students2Space): “Qube2Space: PocketQube activities at UPB”
12:20-12:40 - Kenan Sato-Hua & Kevin L. Simmons: “Educational Benefits of PocketQubes in a Pre-College setting”
12:45-13:45 Lunch Break
(ESA, ROMSPACE, WOLFPACK, Uni of Luxembourg)
14:30-14:50 - Yasir Ahmed Idris Humad (BME University): “The Modern Method for Idenification and Tracking PocketQube Satellites based on Resonant Radar Reflectors: The MRC-100 satellite is a model
15:00 - 15:30 - AFTERNOON BREAK
15:30-15:50 - Adam Kiss (University of Szeged): “UHF Receiver station experiences”
15:50 - 16:10 - Alessandro Fanni (C-Shark): “C-Shark’s disruptive approach to IoT from picosat to cubesats”
16:10-16:30 - Andy Thomas (Alba Orbital): “Ramping Unicorn Production”