Michael Bretti is the founder of Applied Ion Systems (AIS), a new and unique propulsion startup located in the US focusing on the open development of ultra-low cost plasma and ion thrusters for nanosatellites, with a specific emphasis on PocketQube propulsion.
The AIS approach revolves around transparent and open design principles, providing resources for the nanosatellite, enthusiast, and educational communities, while pushing the limits of accessibility of advanced propulsion systems to a level that any nanosat team can afford and access.
Currently there are two open-source AIS pulsed plasma thrusters aboard the AMSAT-Spain GENESIS N and L PocketQubes scheduled for launch September 2020. The newest thruster in development, the AIS-ILIS1, opens up high performance ion propulsion for PocketQube and Cubesat systems, being the first PocketQube compatible ion thruster to enter the market, opening up new mission capabilities for PocketQubes that would not be possible prior.
Presentation Synopsis:
‘Ultra-Low Cost Advanced Ionic Liquid Ion Source Electrospray Thrusters for PocketQubes’
As capabilities of PocketQubes continually evolve, there will be a need for advanced mission capabilities requiring maneuverability and increased mission lifetimes at LEO. Applied Ion Systems (AIS) is currently working on tackling key challenges specifically addressing PocketQube propulsion, and is in the process of developing the first ever designed and commercially available PocketQube-compatible ion thruster, the AIS-ILIS1, based on a relatively new form of manufacture for ionic liquid ion source (ILIS) thrusters. ILIS is one of the prime candidates for PocketQube scale propulsion, with safe and highly stable EMI-BF4 fuel, stored as a liquid in porous structures, passively fed to the ion emitter via capillary action, eliminating the need for pressurization, valves, heaters, and complex feeding.
In addition, ILIS offers exceptional thrust to power ratios at high ISP and very low overall power consumption, opening up new possibilities for PocketQube maneuvering and orbit keeping not previously realized before. At 1.6W power, the AIS-ILIS1 is expected to be able to provide around 22uN of thrust at greater than 3500s ISP, with a form factor of less than 0.3P, and will be available at an order of magnitude reduced cost than currently accessible micro ion electrospray thrusters on the market. AIS has already delivered two other experimental pulsed plasma thrusters (AIS-gPPT3- 1C) for the AMSAT-Spain GENESIS PocketQubes, scheduled for launch at the end of July 2020. AIS aims to provide unprecedented access to electric propulsion for PocketQubes, enabling new advances for the growing community.