Tom Walkinshaw, Founder and CEO of Alba Orbital, started the company in his bedroom in 2012 building prototype PocketQubes. Tom has more cumulative years developing PocketQubes than anyone else, leading Alba Orbital to its position as the world leading picosatellite company. As of December 2019, Alba Orbital successfully put six picosatellites in-orbit and has launched more pocketqubes than any organisation worldwide. 

Tom has won many awards and accolades including GCU Alumni of the Year (2019), 39th Coolest person in Scotland and Forbes 30 under 30 to name a few. Tom is passionate about getting more people to build and launch their own satellites! 

Presentation Synopsis:


Alba Orbital is the world’s leading Picosatellite manufacturer and launch broker, providing a hub of support for the fledgling class of PocketQube satellites and our mission is to democratize access to space. We fundamentally believe that our PocketQube solutions can radically transform the ability for small groups to design, build and launch their own spacecraft. 

This presentation will cover the challenges and successes that Alba Orbital have faced over the previous year in the name of democratising access to space. Alba has grown from strength to strength over the past year, as the company has successfully launched six satellites into orbit including their Unicorn-2 platform, unveiled a new operational ground station service and manifested 10 PocketQubes for a sold out SpaceX launch in December on a Falcon 9.