Trilingual engineer. Expert in Operations with a long history fostering China-Spain relations. He is currently Manager in a large multinational consultancy, and was China Manager in bq. Enthusiastic about everything New Space brings, his expertise with market and his keen sense of the opportunity comes together to provide an unique point of view from #BHDynamics.
Presentation Synopsis:
At present, the philosophy of NewSpace has become one of the main economic and entrepreneurship focuses in the field of new technologies worldwide. The ability to develop aerospace technology at a low-moderate cost using the latest advances in IoT and communications, and even-decreasing costs to put payload in low orbits, has boosted interest in nanosatellites and picosatellites.
The objective of DynOSSAt-EDU is to provide the maker, NewSpace and educational community with an open source product, low manufacturing cost and equipped with all the necessary services for its operation as a pocketsatellite in LEO orbit that serves as a platform for teaching, training, and driving curiosity about the philosophy and technology related to NewSpace.
In the development of DynOSSAT-EDU, it has been taken into account the following aspects: to provide the necessary simplicity to be programmed without extensive knowledge of micro-electronics, using the Circuit Python language (developed by Adafruit), and simple programming environments that have extensive follow-up in the communities of makers, universities and schools. DynOSSAT-EDU is composed of several PCBs (PQBH40(*) format) each of them fulfilling the purpose of desirable systems for Pocketsatellites and Cubesatellites: OBC (On Board Computer), EPS (Electric Power System), SatComm (Communications. In the model for teaching -EDU, these communications can be LoRa to simulate LEO-Earth communications, or BLE to simulate LEO-LEO communications and with Mobile Apps for teaching and simulation projects from Smartphones). All PCBs have low power and high performance MCUs that can be used as individual systems or redundant process systems.
Finally, a special version of DynOSSAT-EDF (identical to DynOSSAT-EDU, but with a communications PCB specially designed for work in LEO orbit complying with the regulations required by ITU and IARU) will be put into orbit to showcast its possibilities with the maker, teacher and NewSpace community. This DynOSSAT-EDF, will act as a transponder for radio amateurs who can contact it from any groundstation, as well as a “programmable receiver of the signals sent by pocketsatellites and cubesatelllites currently in orbit with diminished downlink communication to earth.