Yasir Ahmed Idris Humad Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Department of Broadband Infocommunications and Electromagnetic Theory, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). His current research areas include CubeSat and PocketQube-type satellite development; analog RF hardware, and antenna design; automated and remote-controlled satellite control station development; Software Defined Radio-based signal processing for satellites. Yasir is a member of the MRC-100 satellite development team and he is responsible to developed Three scientific payloads: spectrum analyzer (30 - 2600) MHz, UHF-band LoRa-GPS Tracking, and Resonant Radar Reflector.
Presentation Synopsis:
MRC-100 is a 3-PQ (PocketQube) class student satellite with (5 × 5 × 15) cm dimension and 750 grams total mass. The main subsystems of MRC-100 are COMM - Communication System, OBC - On-Board Computer, and EPS - Electrical Power System. MRC-100 contains several scientific payloads: Spectrum Analyzer 30 - 2600 MHz, Resonant Radar Reflector, UHF-band LoRaGPS Tracking, 1 Mbit/s S-band down-link, automatic identification system receiver for vessel traffic services, memory-based single event detector, special thermal insulator test, total ionizing dose measurement system, active magnetic attitude control, horizon + Sun camera, and satellite GPS + LoRa down-link (satellite identification).
The main scientific payload of MRC-100 is a wide-band spectrum monitoring system(30 – 2600) MHz This system is able to measure the upper HF band, VHF band, UHF band,5G band, 4G band, GSM band, and UMTS band around the world in (LEO) orbit. UHF-band LoRa - GPS Tracking ”GPS Tracker system as a beacon” is the realization of the LoRa-type GPS beacon as the ground segment and its 3-PocketQube sized satellite onboard a communication system (satellite segment), which can receive under noise power level of LoRa modulated signals containing GPS information (latitude and longitude) to be able to track objects on the Earth’s surface monitored by the 3-PQ (LEO) satellite. Resonant Radar Reflector is a new method for Identification and Tracking MRC-100. The resonant reflector’s basic concept is that the resonant reflector uses a VHF/UHF communication subsystem antenna; The Micro-controller (uC) is periodically switching PIN diode forming BPSK modulated signal reflection, So another Earth station can receive the back-scattered BPSK modulated signal also it can detect the satellite if the ground station receiver can use matched filter like correlation receiver.
Keywords: MRC-100, Spectrum Analyzer, GPS Tracker, Resonant Radar Reflector
[1] Humad, Y. A. I., & Dudas, L. (2022). Wide Band Spectrum Monitoring System from 30MHz ´ to 1800MHz with limited Size, Weight, and Power Consumption by MRC-100 Satellite. INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL, 14(2), 56-63.
[2] Humad, Y. A. I., & Dudas, L. (2022, July). GPS Type Tracker Based On LoRa Transmis- ´ sion for MRC-100 3-PocketQube Student Satellite. In 2022 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) (pp. 98-102). IEEE.
[3] Takacs, D., Markotics, B., & Dud ´ as, L. (2021). Processing and Visualizing the Low Earth ´ Orbit Radio Frequency Spectrum Measurement Results From the SMOG Satellite Project. INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL, 13(1), 18-25.
[5] https://gnd.bme.hu/smog